Shemar: I honestly can say that I wouldn't have any of this if it wasn't for your help. You have been looking out since my sophomore year at HU and your help has not gone unnoticed. Needless to say, neither has your uncanny resemblance to a few stand up comedians, so if your journalism career gets too monotonous you can always try stand up comedy.

Tariq: 'Reporting live from outside a Mexican Restaurant in Orlando, Florida...Tariq Lee, in the eye of the storm.' Don't sweat the hate that we're receiving from fellow SJI grads--who shall remain nameless--they're just jealous that they ain't get the scoop on the hurricane. However, I
think everyone will know you from your world famous hair commercials. If not, there's always Dru Hill...

Malik (aka Shabazz): You have been the strongest out of all of us, simply by being a Knicks public...even after drafting Reynaldo Balkman. I applaud your courage and I only hope that one day the Knicks can get to .500 in the regular season. Go Pants! Salami, eggs and bacon my brotha...

Mama and Isis: I miss you guys too. Mama, good looking out on the sports checks. It took us a few days, but we finally got on the same page and were even making some of the same guesses--go figure. Ice Boogy, u got bars and can write your butt off...nuff said. We gotta link up while your out in Santa Cruz though.

KG: Needless to say, you're my favorite KG. That other guy gives you a bad name. You definitely provided a lot of comedic moments at SJI. Still waiting for your autograph on my copy of Up.

Alex: I now understand things that were totally unclear to me when class first started at SJI...certain, behavioral patterns. Thanks for clearing that up buddy. Gotta catch 'em all...

Didier: I'm just gonna put it out there, you look exactly like the dude from He Got Game. End of story, now that I got that off my chest, it's been a pleasure getting to know you while at Poynter. You're like Barry Bonds of sports checks--minus the whole steroids thing.

Martinez and Cheng: Don't think I forgot about you guys. Martinez, you can take a joke like none other, but you can also be funny when you do actually grace us with your input. Cheng, it's been an adventure but not one I'll soon forget. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. If your ability to spell Dontrelle Willis is any indication of what's yet to come, you should have an awfully bright future ahead of you.

I look forward to hearing from each of you very soon. Sorry if I took up the whole page, but I had a lot to say. Until next time...
P.S. - To finally answer Leon's age old question: It always was Snoop Doggy Dog.
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