I don't know quite what to call what I encountered this evening, but it falls under a category of a slang word that I like to use: Sus. Sus is short for suspect and suspect is what Alex Prewitt and I saw as we walked the streets of St. Petersburg.
We were interviewing locals for a blog post (Which will air soon) and stumbled upon an interesting situation. A man named Kyle, who looked a bit disheveled and disoriented, asked if he could use a phone because he had just been beaten up by two men for "no apparent reason." As he struggled to put his sweaty t-shirt back on, I declined because my New York instincts told me there was something sus about this guy. My good Samaritan friend Alex offered to call the police for the gentleman who said the men who beat hi up were sitting across the street.
While Alex called the authorities, I kept my eyes on the man and the people across the street at the same time. What really struck me was that the man said he wanted to press charges and that the men had drugs on them. Hold on, I thought they attacked you for no reason? I though you didn't know them? How do you know all of this about them? Something was definitely sus about this guy and the shady dudes across the street.
After about 15 min on the phone with the police (which I'm sure was no coincidence) Alex and I spoke to a hotel attendant who said he was also recently in a physical altercation in the area. he also mentioned that there was a bit of drug activity in the area which mad me believe Kyle's spontaneous beat down story a lot less.
After the police arrived, Alex and I left the area and walked back to our hotel talking about the situation that had just occurred. Alex wasn't sure that guy was telling the truth or not and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Alex is a good person. As for me, I didn't believe a word he said from the time he opened his mouth to us. However, it did make for an interesting night tour of the city.
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